Litter of 8. Males x 5. Females x 3.
Born on 20th July
To view plse call the Number given.
Very loving, friendly puppies needing good loving Nd caring homes. Very loyal Nd children friendly breed doggies
Innoc Nd dew. To contact
✓ Maltese Durban | ✓ Maltese Eastern Cape | ✓ Maltese Free State | ✓ Maltese Gauteng | ✓ Maltese KwaZulu-Natal | ✓ Maltese Limpopo | ✓ Maltese Mpumalanga | ✓ Maltese North West | ✓ Maltese Northern Cape | ✓ Maltese Western Cape
Maltese were regarded as meet playfellows for mincing mistresses and were often carried in the sleeve as a sleeve dog. The Maltese is a hardy little companion dog with a luxurious silky white coat hanging.
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Sandton, Gauteng, SA